28 Aug 08
10:29 PM
did not blog over the weekend as I was injured..So suay, fri gt a minor car accident and had injured my lower back.. which causes me to walk with a limp.. argh! seen doc, xray, review etc.. Im better now.. but still pain.. =(Doc gave me MC for Mon-Wed, but I still came to work.No choice, busy period is starting.. craziness coming up..Gonna be working for Ops this coming sat.. Istana..helping SF.. think its gonna be veri xiong.. faint*Alrite, gonna work now and Im goin to meet deardear tonite!Cheers!! =)Labels: I love you, KCH. . .

20 Aug 08
8:00 AM
after work bought cheesecake for my 2 dearest gal..rush to suntec, Kuisin Bo for our dinner gathering.. thou the session was short.. but i was very happy.. =)took cab back with mel.. chatted thru the journey.. than home and now blogging...I'm veri tired.. but cant get to sleep.. too many things in my mind already... i wan to have a break.. long long break..n I wan to go shopping.. =)Mel, Shirley, I'm waiting for the next outing ya.. =)MISSES~
Labels: shopping soon pls......

19 Aug 08
11:32 PM
It has been months since i last blogged...Lots of things has been happening and I just need the time to digest... There are alot of things in my mind.. but i just cant get them in place..words just cant describe how i feel..regardless of work, personal life etc... shall wait till next post than.. (Wad a post.. uh.. -_-")Labels: nothing to look forward to....